Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Twitter is better than Facebook. Hands down. #byenow

Getting hit on isn't the greatest feeling in the world.

So, it seems like whenever I go into Harmons, I get hit on by the employees that work there. It is a constant thing. I went in there yesterday and this kid hit on me. It's always the same thing. "Do you have a boyfriend?" I say no. They ask why. I say "I'm just busy." They always say, "NO WAY!" And also, they always ask how old you are. No matter what. I guess it's just a guy thing. I know that people might think that I am being rude or that I should enjoy this, but I really don't enjoy it. Maybe if it were a nice guy that I was attracted to and that was respectful, but they aren't. Jeez.

Also, a lot of guys are gross and pathetic. I met a few weirdos over the past week. I swear. I am so mean, but I really, really don't want to answer your dumb questions. Have you heard of GOOGLE?! And, please don't tell me about what you do in your private time. I don't care. I don't want to know. It's gross.

Okay, so for another matter, I started Fall semester today. My classes are Biology/Lab, Humanitites, ENGL 2010, MATH 1010, and Mortuary Science. I am going to be a Biology and earth science teacher. Hands down, that is the greatest profession for me. I can't handle the medical field. I don't think that I will ever be the same person that I was before my dad died. And, that's okay, but it's sad. :(

I hope that you enjoyed this lame post. I enjoyed writing it.
You'll always be my best friend.

I love you dad.