Life is too short to waste! Be generous with your time, your love, and your life! :)
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Getting hit on isn't the greatest feeling in the world.
So, it seems like whenever I go into Harmons, I get hit on by the employees that work there. It is a constant thing. I went in there yesterday and this kid hit on me. It's always the same thing. "Do you have a boyfriend?" I say no. They ask why. I say "I'm just busy." They always say, "NO WAY!" And also, they always ask how old you are. No matter what. I guess it's just a guy thing. I know that people might think that I am being rude or that I should enjoy this, but I really don't enjoy it. Maybe if it were a nice guy that I was attracted to and that was respectful, but they aren't. Jeez.
Also, a lot of guys are gross and pathetic. I met a few weirdos over the past week. I swear. I am so mean, but I really, really don't want to answer your dumb questions. Have you heard of GOOGLE?! And, please don't tell me about what you do in your private time. I don't care. I don't want to know. It's gross.
Okay, so for another matter, I started Fall semester today. My classes are Biology/Lab, Humanitites, ENGL 2010, MATH 1010, and Mortuary Science. I am going to be a Biology and earth science teacher. Hands down, that is the greatest profession for me. I can't handle the medical field. I don't think that I will ever be the same person that I was before my dad died. And, that's okay, but it's sad. :(
I hope that you enjoyed this lame post. I enjoyed writing it.
Also, a lot of guys are gross and pathetic. I met a few weirdos over the past week. I swear. I am so mean, but I really, really don't want to answer your dumb questions. Have you heard of GOOGLE?! And, please don't tell me about what you do in your private time. I don't care. I don't want to know. It's gross.
Okay, so for another matter, I started Fall semester today. My classes are Biology/Lab, Humanitites, ENGL 2010, MATH 1010, and Mortuary Science. I am going to be a Biology and earth science teacher. Hands down, that is the greatest profession for me. I can't handle the medical field. I don't think that I will ever be the same person that I was before my dad died. And, that's okay, but it's sad. :(
I hope that you enjoyed this lame post. I enjoyed writing it.
Monday, July 2, 2012
People getting hitched.
Why is it that so many people are getting married? Is there something wrong with me? I remind myself of Merida in the movie Brave. Her parents wanted her to get married and she didn't want to because she wanted to roll with the wind and shoot arrows and just have fun. I don't really have the desire to get married when I am a teenager. I just want to be free. Like Merida. When you get married, you don't have as much freedom as you would like. I am not saying that I am against marriage. I think that it is a beautiful thing... when you do it right. A lot of people are unhappy. Hmmm I wonder why?! Maybe it is because you didn't get to live before you settled down. I would never want to get married this young. Think of all the things that you can do without a man! I am in a band! I can stay out late! I can do things alone without having someone there constantly.
When I do get married, I have some qualities and things I would like:
1) I want to marry my best friend. I want him to know everything about me and accept me for who I am.
2) I want him to make music with me. Preferably guitar.
3) He has to have a strong testimony. The mission doesn't matter to me, just as long as they love the gospel as much as I do.
4) Style. Please, I just want a guy that knows how to dress.
5) Education. Oh, this one is huge. I want a smart guy. Not some dumbo.
6) Humor. I want someone that will make me laugh all the time without trying. :)
7) Compassion. I want someone that will love others the way that Jesus did. In fact, someone that takes Jesus' example at all times.
8) Someone that isn't controlling.
9) Someone that has integrity.
10) Someone that is chill and laid back.
11) No yelling please!!! :)
12) Someone that treats his mother and father very well! :)
This list could go on forever! I am going to stop though. But there are some important things to me!
Now that I got that out of my system, I will tell you a secret: I'm going to marry Matthew Thiessen one day. :) Just kidding. ;) or i'm not... :D
(I really wish that no one was offended by this post. I wasn't trying to hurt anyone, I was just stating my opinion. If you can handle getting married young, good for you! You are very strong and I admire that, because I really couldn't do it!)
When I do get married, I have some qualities and things I would like:
1) I want to marry my best friend. I want him to know everything about me and accept me for who I am.
2) I want him to make music with me. Preferably guitar.
3) He has to have a strong testimony. The mission doesn't matter to me, just as long as they love the gospel as much as I do.
4) Style. Please, I just want a guy that knows how to dress.
5) Education. Oh, this one is huge. I want a smart guy. Not some dumbo.
6) Humor. I want someone that will make me laugh all the time without trying. :)
7) Compassion. I want someone that will love others the way that Jesus did. In fact, someone that takes Jesus' example at all times.
8) Someone that isn't controlling.
9) Someone that has integrity.
10) Someone that is chill and laid back.
11) No yelling please!!! :)
12) Someone that treats his mother and father very well! :)
This list could go on forever! I am going to stop though. But there are some important things to me!
Now that I got that out of my system, I will tell you a secret: I'm going to marry Matthew Thiessen one day. :) Just kidding. ;) or i'm not... :D
(I really wish that no one was offended by this post. I wasn't trying to hurt anyone, I was just stating my opinion. If you can handle getting married young, good for you! You are very strong and I admire that, because I really couldn't do it!)
Feelings inside my head.
Sometimes, I feel like I just want to cry. I feel like I am not eloquent in the way that I write. I feel like when I try to convey my feelings, they come out and sound like mush. My problem is that when I try, I fail. When I don't try, the feelings come out and flow perfectly like the wind. Why is that?
Why is that other people get to write and it comes out perfectly? Why is it that I always seem to have writer's block? Why can't I get my emotions out clearly? I'm not being honest with myself. I just need to be me. I can't try and write for other people because then it would not be meaningful.
I am going to try this week to be more creative and to just not worry about things as much as I have been.
It's never too late to start living.
Why is that other people get to write and it comes out perfectly? Why is it that I always seem to have writer's block? Why can't I get my emotions out clearly? I'm not being honest with myself. I just need to be me. I can't try and write for other people because then it would not be meaningful.
I am going to try this week to be more creative and to just not worry about things as much as I have been.
It's never too late to start living.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Life is way too short.
My friend Jessika died on June 27, 2012. It was such a shock. It really shook me up. When I first heard about it, I cried. I didn't expect my reaction to be what it was like. I obsessed over her death and I still can't stop thinking about it.
I went to her memorial service today and it was amazing. They had people get up and share stories about Jessika. It was very uplifting and although sad, it was a very awesome way to remember someone. I wish I would have thought about that when my dad died. I shared a story about when we were little and my parents had to go to the hospital. Jessika's mom picked me and my brother up and we went to their house. I was very worried about my dad. He had a lot of blood everywhere, but Jessika took my mind off of the matter. We talked about music and laughed and I will always remember that. Also, we always called each other "dudette" and we thought the fact that our parents worked at eBay was AWESOME!!! :)
We moved away from each other, but we had facebook to keep us in touch. When my dad died, she messaged me and told me to text her so we could talk and hang out. I never did. I regret that so much. I really would have texted her, but my life was so hectic and I was so depressed. I hope that she knows that I feel so bad about that. I will never, ever do that again. I will always keep in touch with all my friends and family. I was just going through a bad time. (I still am.)
I learned from this experience that you never know the effect someone has on you until they die. She taught me that life should be filled with color and fun. She was the nicest person and she would give you the shirt off of her back. The world lost a bit of light.
I like to think that my dad welcomed her into the spirit world. That he told her not to worry and that everything was going to be okay. I can really see that happening.
I don't like death. Death is bad for the people left on Earth. They have no worries in the Spirit World. Life is hard, but it is hard for a reason. And how we live it makes a difference.
Thanks for reading this post! I love you Dad and Grandpa and I love you Jessika!
I went to her memorial service today and it was amazing. They had people get up and share stories about Jessika. It was very uplifting and although sad, it was a very awesome way to remember someone. I wish I would have thought about that when my dad died. I shared a story about when we were little and my parents had to go to the hospital. Jessika's mom picked me and my brother up and we went to their house. I was very worried about my dad. He had a lot of blood everywhere, but Jessika took my mind off of the matter. We talked about music and laughed and I will always remember that. Also, we always called each other "dudette" and we thought the fact that our parents worked at eBay was AWESOME!!! :)
We moved away from each other, but we had facebook to keep us in touch. When my dad died, she messaged me and told me to text her so we could talk and hang out. I never did. I regret that so much. I really would have texted her, but my life was so hectic and I was so depressed. I hope that she knows that I feel so bad about that. I will never, ever do that again. I will always keep in touch with all my friends and family. I was just going through a bad time. (I still am.)
I learned from this experience that you never know the effect someone has on you until they die. She taught me that life should be filled with color and fun. She was the nicest person and she would give you the shirt off of her back. The world lost a bit of light.
I like to think that my dad welcomed her into the spirit world. That he told her not to worry and that everything was going to be okay. I can really see that happening.
I don't like death. Death is bad for the people left on Earth. They have no worries in the Spirit World. Life is hard, but it is hard for a reason. And how we live it makes a difference.
Thanks for reading this post! I love you Dad and Grandpa and I love you Jessika!
The Future Of Us
I am reading this book called The Future of Us by Jay Asher and Carolyn Macker. It is very interesting. It is about these kids in 1996 that get an AOL CD rom (nostalgia!!) and put it in their computer and Facebook pops up. And it's 15 years into the future. They get to see who they marry and what their life is like. They get confused because their future selfs talk about ipads, texting, netflicks, Harry Potter, and other stuff like that. It is very good.
Their future changes with the little things they do in life. They can manipulate things. Everytime they log onto facebook, their life is different than it was the previous time they logged in. It can get confusing, but it is very good.
I like this book because it is meshing real life with fiction. This could never happen in real life. But, the people are real and likeable. :)
I am obsessed with this book. I read Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher and I will continue to read his books.
The moral of this story is just to live and not worry about what will happen in the future because life is too short to worry about it. And we can't worry about it.
Their future changes with the little things they do in life. They can manipulate things. Everytime they log onto facebook, their life is different than it was the previous time they logged in. It can get confusing, but it is very good.
I like this book because it is meshing real life with fiction. This could never happen in real life. But, the people are real and likeable. :)
I am obsessed with this book. I read Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher and I will continue to read his books.
The moral of this story is just to live and not worry about what will happen in the future because life is too short to worry about it. And we can't worry about it.
I love you daddy
One time I was at a Cobra Starship concert with my family. My dad said that I should go and have fun in the mosh pit, so I went in with my friend. I had a really bad anxiety attack and started to cry. My dad took my hands and started to dance with me and made me feel better. After having fun and dancing and singing along to the music with my mom and dad, I had another anxiety attack and we had to leave the concert early. As we got into the car, my dad went in the back seat with me and had me lay on his lap. He also got me a sprite and comforted me. I love this story because it makes me feel happy and it shows what a wonderful father my dad is.
One day, I got asked to Homecoming. It was my first dance with a boy. My dad was so excited, when ever I got asked to a dance, my parents went nuts. They had to plan everything. But this particular dance, I was not excited at all to go with this guy. We went and looked for dresses and I had a melt down in the dressing room. My dad felt bad and he told my mom to try on a purple dress to make me laugh, but she wouldn't. So he took the dress and put it on and it was really silly. I was so thankful for that moment. My parents said that I didn't have to go to the dance with that person and the guy ended up having sex with the girl and she was pregnant after wards. He was a bad influence and he was really ugly!
Me and my dad liked to do puzzles together. We would stay up really late on weekends trying to get them done! We modge podged one of the New York City sky line and it was so much fun. That is so special to me!
My dad always took me out on daddy daughter dates. One morning he took me to Mimi's Cafe and we got some Crousaints and eggs and ham. We always had nice talks about school and church. I am so happy that my dad took the time out of his busy day to dine with me.
Before church when I was about 8 or 9 my dad would paint my nails on the kitchen counter. It was so much fun because would always do it perfectly.
When my dad went to school for esthetician school, he gave me facials and pedicures and manicures and he even waxed my legs!
My dad cross-stitched beautifully. He taught me how to and we would sit as a family and watch movies and cross-stitch together.
One time we were going to try to make home made tempura vegetables, my dad bought the batter and started to make it and they were not turning out right. The batter is supposed to be used for deep fryers. We just used a pot of really hot oil. I am so lucky that my dad was a chef. When my mom worked and he was home, he would make us lunch or dinner and it was so delicious. We had Pasta with broccoli and it was in a butter sauce. For homecoming one year, he cooked dinner for me and my date and he made chicken kabobs with rice. And we cannot forget the home made breaded chicken with rice or pasta.
One day, I got asked to Homecoming. It was my first dance with a boy. My dad was so excited, when ever I got asked to a dance, my parents went nuts. They had to plan everything. But this particular dance, I was not excited at all to go with this guy. We went and looked for dresses and I had a melt down in the dressing room. My dad felt bad and he told my mom to try on a purple dress to make me laugh, but she wouldn't. So he took the dress and put it on and it was really silly. I was so thankful for that moment. My parents said that I didn't have to go to the dance with that person and the guy ended up having sex with the girl and she was pregnant after wards. He was a bad influence and he was really ugly!
Me and my dad liked to do puzzles together. We would stay up really late on weekends trying to get them done! We modge podged one of the New York City sky line and it was so much fun. That is so special to me!
My dad always took me out on daddy daughter dates. One morning he took me to Mimi's Cafe and we got some Crousaints and eggs and ham. We always had nice talks about school and church. I am so happy that my dad took the time out of his busy day to dine with me.
Before church when I was about 8 or 9 my dad would paint my nails on the kitchen counter. It was so much fun because would always do it perfectly.
When my dad went to school for esthetician school, he gave me facials and pedicures and manicures and he even waxed my legs!
My dad cross-stitched beautifully. He taught me how to and we would sit as a family and watch movies and cross-stitch together.
One time we were going to try to make home made tempura vegetables, my dad bought the batter and started to make it and they were not turning out right. The batter is supposed to be used for deep fryers. We just used a pot of really hot oil. I am so lucky that my dad was a chef. When my mom worked and he was home, he would make us lunch or dinner and it was so delicious. We had Pasta with broccoli and it was in a butter sauce. For homecoming one year, he cooked dinner for me and my date and he made chicken kabobs with rice. And we cannot forget the home made breaded chicken with rice or pasta.
I don't really like facebook. Sometimes, I want to delete mine, but I have my family and my pictures of my family that are on there and I would never want to delete it. If that makes any sense at all. But really, sometimes I want to ask people, "Who cares?!?" I wish people would just talk about interesting things and not stupid stuff.
Other than that, have a great day!
Other than that, have a great day!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
So, I have been thinking a lot lately. My life has been really hard. I choose to think that it will get better. Hopefully it will.
The other night, I had the best night of my life. I performed at a coffee shop with one of my bestest friends, Ben. It was so fun. We sounded so great together. Another one of our dear friends came and saw us that night. Kaiti. These people are the reason why I'm happy. Ben and Kaiti. I can't thank them enough for everything that they have done for me emotionally.
After our performance, Ben drove my jeep back to his house. We totally went crazy listening to our favorite music. We were high on life. Our band was born!! We met Kaiti at his house and the three of us went in Ben's truck at an elementary school parking lot. We talked for hours. Literally hours. We talked about our feelings and experiences and we opened up in a way that no one can understand. That was the moment I knew that we would all be friends forever. Ben let us drive his awesome truck! It was so powerful!! After that, we decided to make a fire pit and talk some more. We stayed up until 1 in the morning. I am so thankful for this connection that I made with my friends. I had the best night of my life and I will never forget it.
I love you Ben and Kaiti. So much!
The other night, I had the best night of my life. I performed at a coffee shop with one of my bestest friends, Ben. It was so fun. We sounded so great together. Another one of our dear friends came and saw us that night. Kaiti. These people are the reason why I'm happy. Ben and Kaiti. I can't thank them enough for everything that they have done for me emotionally.
After our performance, Ben drove my jeep back to his house. We totally went crazy listening to our favorite music. We were high on life. Our band was born!! We met Kaiti at his house and the three of us went in Ben's truck at an elementary school parking lot. We talked for hours. Literally hours. We talked about our feelings and experiences and we opened up in a way that no one can understand. That was the moment I knew that we would all be friends forever. Ben let us drive his awesome truck! It was so powerful!! After that, we decided to make a fire pit and talk some more. We stayed up until 1 in the morning. I am so thankful for this connection that I made with my friends. I had the best night of my life and I will never forget it.
I love you Ben and Kaiti. So much!
Looking For City Lights
This is our band name. Looking For City Lights. The city lights represent what is good in life and we are all looking for the good things in life. Life is too short to spend on bad people, places, and entertainment. Don't waste a second. And just run. :)
I'm sick of life, but there's nothing I can do about it.
I am to the point where I am totally burnt out. I don't know what to do anymore. I need help. I just want to cry.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Dental Care
Brush your teeth and use floss! Also, get an orabrush! Gosh, people and their teeth these days! I will elaborate more later.
Miniature Horses
So Cute.
Yes, they are real!!
Here are some facts for you:
The smallest miniature horse is 18.5 inches tall.
They live 25-30 years.
They are very common and make good pets.
They work indoors and they also work as guide horses, helping blind and deaf people. See here:
I think that is so cool! All horses are awesome! Speaking of horses, go see the movie, Warhorse! I saw it with my family on Christmas and at first, I thought it was going to be a dumb movie, but I got into the movie theater and I just loved it. It was so heart felt and a feel good movie. It was different from all of the movies that are out now. Go see it and you won't regret it, if you have a heart at all.
And to end this post, I will end it with a nice infographic!

Have a great, horsey day!
I don't really like facebook. Sometimes, I want to delete mine, but I have my family and my pictures of my family that are on there and I would never want to delete it. If that makes any sense at all. But really, sometimes I want to ask people, "Who cares?!?" I wish people would just talk about interesting things and not stupid stuff.
Other than that, have a great day!
Other than that, have a great day!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Blood Infographic
I love statistics and I just recently found a website with graphic stats about health topics!!
This one is about blood. I am quite passionate about blood and I will tell you why: Blood helps save lives. Blood helped to try to save my dad. I love blood. It is so essential to life.

Donate blood and plasma!
This one is about blood. I am quite passionate about blood and I will tell you why: Blood helps save lives. Blood helped to try to save my dad. I love blood. It is so essential to life.
Donate blood and plasma!
Update on my boring life and a fun article on SLEEP!
Well, I am an official college student now, meaning that I am no longer in high school, taking college classes concurrently. I am on campus! I am a pre-nursing major. I went through a lot of changing. I have always wanted to be a doctor, but I got confused during high school. It is hard to explain. Grieving does a lot to a person. I am still grieving, but I have decided to get my nursing degree and then go on to pre-med and work as a nurse during school. I will be getting my CNA soon, but I am just focusing on getting all of my generals and per-requisites done. I will be done with all of that this fall. YAY!!
I had a temporary holiday job last year. I started on November 11, 2011 and ended on New Year's Eve. It was at the JSMB as a prep cook. It taught me a lot about working and the real worth of money.
I want to start volunteering at the hospital to gain experience. You have to have a minimum amount of hours for community service to get into Pre-Med at the University of Utah. WOOT WOOT!!
Well, enough about me, I will tell you about my mother. She is going to school at the art institute in graphic design. She eventually wants to be an art and history teacher. That is a great career choice. I am glad that she is doing that.
My brother is going to school at Kearns High and he is taking honors classes. Next year, he will be taking concurrent enrollment courses to gain college credit. It will be so good on our wallet.. :)
Oh, and I miss my dad more than anything in the whole world. I think of him everyday. I cry everyday. I am sick about everything that has happened in the last two years of my life.
Well, I am going to talk a little bit about the importance of sleep. I try to make my blog a bit interesting and knowledgeable. Sleep is soooo important. It makes you healthier. If you don't get enough sleep, you could die. It's true. You could die if you haven't slept in 10 days. Sleep sharpens your mind and relieves inflammation. Sleep helps you lose weight and helps you to live longer. I am quite passionate about sleeping. :)
It should only take you 10-15 minutes to fall asleep, more than that and you are sleep deprived... SO, if you have trouble falling asleep, I want to help you out. I have a really hard time falling asleep and I end up tossing and turning, but this past week, I have experimented with different ways to fall asleep. I have been conducting my own study. So here it is:
1. It is so obvious, but get comfortable. If you like sleeping in warmth, take a hot bath with lavender baby wash, or drink a hot liquid. I went out and bought a heated blanket. If you are a bit strange and like sleeping in cooler conditions, turn on a fan. Just get as comfortable as possible because no one can fall asleep being uncomfortable.
2. If you are like me and worry a lot at night, make a list of all of the things you need to do the following day.
3. Read a book with dim lighting. Your eyes will get tired and you will fall asleep faster. (Preferably an educational book. Text book, non-fiction, etc.) I personally read anatomy books and I also read the Book of Mormon. (It's true!!!)
4. Do not go on electronics late at night. Electronics and light stimulate your brain and make it harder to fall asleep. Also, you should try to make your room pitch black so you don't have anymore distractions on your mind.
5. Exercise during the day and get tired!
6. And the last one I have for you is to get up early so you have a better chance of going to bed on time. The body cooperates with you when it has a schedule.
Here are a bit of facts about sleeping and how important it is for you:

Via: Psychology Degree
(I don't know if I believe in all that they are stating up there, but I will have to research it more.)
I find the whole process of sleeping so interesting. REM is so cool. God definitely knew what he was doing when he created us!

Also, the sleeping positions are also interesting.

Now, some of this I don't agree with, like the little thing at the bottom that says that you should "only sleep with a really thin pillow or none at all." I disagree with this because I am have to sleep with 3 pillows or else I wouldn't be able to breathe because I am an asthmatic person. But, everything else makes sense.
You should get sleep because it lowers depression, it helps stress, it just makes you a healthier person all together. All of us are different in the ways that we sleep, but there is one thing that we have in common, and that is that we all need adequate sleep for good health.
The tips that I gave to you might be a bit hard to do, but I know that they will help, they have really helped me. Speaking of sleep, I think I am going to go now and get some. I just want everyone to sleep well and to live better!
P.S. I love my parents soooo much!!
I had a temporary holiday job last year. I started on November 11, 2011 and ended on New Year's Eve. It was at the JSMB as a prep cook. It taught me a lot about working and the real worth of money.
I want to start volunteering at the hospital to gain experience. You have to have a minimum amount of hours for community service to get into Pre-Med at the University of Utah. WOOT WOOT!!
Well, enough about me, I will tell you about my mother. She is going to school at the art institute in graphic design. She eventually wants to be an art and history teacher. That is a great career choice. I am glad that she is doing that.
My brother is going to school at Kearns High and he is taking honors classes. Next year, he will be taking concurrent enrollment courses to gain college credit. It will be so good on our wallet.. :)
Oh, and I miss my dad more than anything in the whole world. I think of him everyday. I cry everyday. I am sick about everything that has happened in the last two years of my life.
Well, I am going to talk a little bit about the importance of sleep. I try to make my blog a bit interesting and knowledgeable. Sleep is soooo important. It makes you healthier. If you don't get enough sleep, you could die. It's true. You could die if you haven't slept in 10 days. Sleep sharpens your mind and relieves inflammation. Sleep helps you lose weight and helps you to live longer. I am quite passionate about sleeping. :)
It should only take you 10-15 minutes to fall asleep, more than that and you are sleep deprived... SO, if you have trouble falling asleep, I want to help you out. I have a really hard time falling asleep and I end up tossing and turning, but this past week, I have experimented with different ways to fall asleep. I have been conducting my own study. So here it is:
1. It is so obvious, but get comfortable. If you like sleeping in warmth, take a hot bath with lavender baby wash, or drink a hot liquid. I went out and bought a heated blanket. If you are a bit strange and like sleeping in cooler conditions, turn on a fan. Just get as comfortable as possible because no one can fall asleep being uncomfortable.
2. If you are like me and worry a lot at night, make a list of all of the things you need to do the following day.
3. Read a book with dim lighting. Your eyes will get tired and you will fall asleep faster. (Preferably an educational book. Text book, non-fiction, etc.) I personally read anatomy books and I also read the Book of Mormon. (It's true!!!)
4. Do not go on electronics late at night. Electronics and light stimulate your brain and make it harder to fall asleep. Also, you should try to make your room pitch black so you don't have anymore distractions on your mind.
5. Exercise during the day and get tired!
6. And the last one I have for you is to get up early so you have a better chance of going to bed on time. The body cooperates with you when it has a schedule.
Here are a bit of facts about sleeping and how important it is for you:
Via: Psychology Degree
(I don't know if I believe in all that they are stating up there, but I will have to research it more.)
I find the whole process of sleeping so interesting. REM is so cool. God definitely knew what he was doing when he created us!
Also, the sleeping positions are also interesting.
Now, some of this I don't agree with, like the little thing at the bottom that says that you should "only sleep with a really thin pillow or none at all." I disagree with this because I am have to sleep with 3 pillows or else I wouldn't be able to breathe because I am an asthmatic person. But, everything else makes sense.
You should get sleep because it lowers depression, it helps stress, it just makes you a healthier person all together. All of us are different in the ways that we sleep, but there is one thing that we have in common, and that is that we all need adequate sleep for good health.
The tips that I gave to you might be a bit hard to do, but I know that they will help, they have really helped me. Speaking of sleep, I think I am going to go now and get some. I just want everyone to sleep well and to live better!
P.S. I love my parents soooo much!!
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