I had a temporary holiday job last year. I started on November 11, 2011 and ended on New Year's Eve. It was at the JSMB as a prep cook. It taught me a lot about working and the real worth of money.
I want to start volunteering at the hospital to gain experience. You have to have a minimum amount of hours for community service to get into Pre-Med at the University of Utah. WOOT WOOT!!
Well, enough about me, I will tell you about my mother. She is going to school at the art institute in graphic design. She eventually wants to be an art and history teacher. That is a great career choice. I am glad that she is doing that.
My brother is going to school at Kearns High and he is taking honors classes. Next year, he will be taking concurrent enrollment courses to gain college credit. It will be so good on our wallet.. :)
Oh, and I miss my dad more than anything in the whole world. I think of him everyday. I cry everyday. I am sick about everything that has happened in the last two years of my life.
Well, I am going to talk a little bit about the importance of sleep. I try to make my blog a bit interesting and knowledgeable. Sleep is soooo important. It makes you healthier. If you don't get enough sleep, you could die. It's true. You could die if you haven't slept in 10 days. Sleep sharpens your mind and relieves inflammation. Sleep helps you lose weight and helps you to live longer. I am quite passionate about sleeping. :)
It should only take you 10-15 minutes to fall asleep, more than that and you are sleep deprived... SO, if you have trouble falling asleep, I want to help you out. I have a really hard time falling asleep and I end up tossing and turning, but this past week, I have experimented with different ways to fall asleep. I have been conducting my own study. So here it is:
1. It is so obvious, but get comfortable. If you like sleeping in warmth, take a hot bath with lavender baby wash, or drink a hot liquid. I went out and bought a heated blanket. If you are a bit strange and like sleeping in cooler conditions, turn on a fan. Just get as comfortable as possible because no one can fall asleep being uncomfortable.
2. If you are like me and worry a lot at night, make a list of all of the things you need to do the following day.
3. Read a book with dim lighting. Your eyes will get tired and you will fall asleep faster. (Preferably an educational book. Text book, non-fiction, etc.) I personally read anatomy books and I also read the Book of Mormon. (It's true!!!)
4. Do not go on electronics late at night. Electronics and light stimulate your brain and make it harder to fall asleep. Also, you should try to make your room pitch black so you don't have anymore distractions on your mind.
5. Exercise during the day and get tired!
6. And the last one I have for you is to get up early so you have a better chance of going to bed on time. The body cooperates with you when it has a schedule.
Here are a bit of facts about sleeping and how important it is for you:
Via: Psychology Degree
(I don't know if I believe in all that they are stating up there, but I will have to research it more.)
I find the whole process of sleeping so interesting. REM is so cool. God definitely knew what he was doing when he created us!
Also, the sleeping positions are also interesting.
Now, some of this I don't agree with, like the little thing at the bottom that says that you should "only sleep with a really thin pillow or none at all." I disagree with this because I am have to sleep with 3 pillows or else I wouldn't be able to breathe because I am an asthmatic person. But, everything else makes sense.
You should get sleep because it lowers depression, it helps stress, it just makes you a healthier person all together. All of us are different in the ways that we sleep, but there is one thing that we have in common, and that is that we all need adequate sleep for good health.
The tips that I gave to you might be a bit hard to do, but I know that they will help, they have really helped me. Speaking of sleep, I think I am going to go now and get some. I just want everyone to sleep well and to live better!
P.S. I love my parents soooo much!!
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