Okay so I just wanted to talk about my best friend grace in this little blogging session. We have known each other for only 4 years, but we are so close. She is just like a sister. I love her so much. We have fun no matter what and she understands everything. So I just want to tell her just how much she means to me. Nobody can replace her! I love spending time with her and I love our inside jokes. I like her friends and I like her family. But she is just so special. I don't have the words to explain it! :) She is so beautiful and she has a perfect personality. No one can even come close to it. I am so glad that I found a friend like her. I don't know what I would do without her. I'll just tell you a really funny story about our sleepover last night. Well there was this potato bug on the ground and she picked it up and we wanted to name it. So I named it Crutons jr. and then it kept falling. It eventually died! We were so sad. But it was so funny. Another thing that happened yesterday was that we went to the store and got this magazine. On the cover there was a huge cat with the headline : your prayers can save the world's fattest cat. We were busting up laughing. We bought the magazine. But the only thing is: We were the only people who thought it was funny! I know, people are lame. But you had to be there. That is just a few of MANY stories I have about my little gracie. But I will stop talking before it sounds like i'm obsessed. But what can I say? I just love my besty! :)
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